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Donetsk Region

gerbDonetsk region was created on July 17, 1932.

The region is situated in the South West part of Ukraine. Its territory equals to 26,515 thousand square kilometers, i.e. 4,4 % of the total territory of Ukraine.

Donetsk region is the most densely populated region of Ukraine. Over 10 % of the entire population of the country lives here. The region is an industrial center of Donbas, urban population prevailing. Besides, it is a multinational region — representatives of more than 120 nations live in the area: Ukrainians, Russians, Greeks, Jews, Germans, Tatars and others.

Climate of the region is a continental one with rather hot and dry summer and windy cold winter.

Links to the topic:
  • http://indonbass.narod.ru — «All Donbass»: a catalogue of resources of the region according to categories
  • http://www.ukr-info.net — «Donbass plain to see»: a catalogue of resources of the region, reference information, media project
  • http://www.donbass.org.ua — «Everything about Donbass»: a catalogue of resources of the region according to categories
  • http://www.okno.donetsk.ua — «Window on Donbass»: reference information
  • http://www.donbass-today.dn.ua — «Donbass today»: news, reference information
  • http://www.oda.dc.dn.ua/simbol.html — Description of symbols of the Donetsk region on the site of the Donetsk regional state administration

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