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+ Агентство ритуальных услуг в Перми КОНТАКТЫ. Заказать ритуальные услуги в Перми, Орджоникидзевский район, Гайва. Низкие цены.


According to the data on January 1, 2002 1091 religious organizations, 16 religious centers, 6 monasteries, 17 missions, 1 brotherhood, 9 higher spiritual educational institutions work in the region. 95,4 % of all the religious organizations of the region belongs to the Orthodox confession. Besides, there are 17 Islamic, 18 Judaic and 6 Buddhism religious organizations in the region.

Links to the topic
  • http://tony.donetsk.ua — Site of Anton Kuznetsov on Veda knowledge
  • http://www.roerich.com — Site of the spiritual and cultural center "Oriflama"
  • http://www.orthodox.donbass.com — Eparchial spiritual educational center, the newspaper "Donbass Pravoslavniy" ("Orthodox Donbass")
  • http://www.politic.donetsk.ua/link.cgi?ctgr=Relig — Religious page on the site "Politika" ("Politics")

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