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+ ESD laboratory chair with five conductive glides, conductive incombustible.. ESD Chair VKG C-200. ESD laboratory chair, covered with static dissipative fabric, with five conductive glides. ESD Chair VKG C-300.

Health Protection

There are about 600 medical institutions in the Donetsk region with 39440 beds for in-patients in the hospitals.

Over 20000 physicians of different specialties work in the region, 5000 of them having the higher professional category, 180 having the Degree of Candidate or Doctor of Medical Science.

The following specialized medical centers work in Donetsk:

  • The Center of Microsurgery of Eye treats alterations caused by aging and detachment of the retina, toxic affection of ophthalmic nerve, holds operations of all types of glaucoma, ablation of cataract by ultrasound method;
  • The Center of Surgery Hematolysis and Kidneys Transplantation performs appropriate operations and holds immunity, biochemical, sonographic and functional researches;
  • The Center of Barotherapy provides effective influence on oxygen insufficiency, which determines the prospect of disease development;
  • The Center of Minimal Invasive Therapy employs highly effective methods of diagnosis and treatment using ultrasound, X-ray, laser, puncture and other ways of examination;
  • The Center of Endourology and Lithotripsy develops new trends of non-invasive treatment of adenoma of prostate gland, nephritic calculi, etc.
  • The Thorax Center practices unique operations on diaphragm and breast organs.

Sufficient preventive and treatment activities are held by the Regional Tuberculosis Clinic. Only this clinic in the entire Ukraine practices all types of operations on breast organs, joints, and spine. On the basis of the regional children's hospital the neonatal center is organized for rehabilitation of new-born babies.

The Donetsk regional diagnosis center created in 1989 treats tumor diseases with the help of color Doppler and high energy laser (fibertoma); holds early diagnosis of heart pathologies developed together with Professor A. Dyadyk; lithotripsy (calculi fragmentation by ultrasound) for treatment of cystomyxoma; early diagnosis and treatment of women's mammary gland tumor; transplantation of embryo tissues of hepar, pancreas and thyroid gland; magneto resonance tomography of brain.

The medical center «Isida-Don-IVF» was opened in Donetsk in 1998 as a branch of the famous Kiev center «Isida IVF». Today the center is a modern perfectly equipped institution with the staff of high qualification. Its specialization is treatment of sterility of different types. Only one cycle of treatment gives positive results in 25-28% of cases.

The Donetsk regional anti-tumor center is famous far beyond the boarders of the region. In the center the unique methods of anti-tumor treatment were developed under the guidance of the famous researcher, the Doctor of medical science, professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, the Honored Worker of Science Grigorii Vasyliovych Bondar.

The Donetsk Burn Center of the Institute of First-Aid and Rehabilitation Surgery of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine treats burns and their sequels, especially of miners having suffered in the mines of Donechchyna while bursts of methane. The center has worked out its own effective methods of aid for the miners with the burns of respiratory ducts, mechanical traumas, poisoning with fire-damp at all the stages of treatment.

The Interregional scientific center of clinic lymphatic surgery is called the Island of Salvation by numerous ex-patients of it. In 2000 the new premises of the center was opened in the town of Khartsyzk. Before this event the center worked in the town of Zugres where the great research work was done during several years, including various discoveries, inventions, development of new methods, one of them being induction of medicines into the lymphatic system, and concentration of experience in treatment and saving people.

The Donetsk Hospital of Microwave and Resonance Therapy «Sitko-MRT» works in the city. The basis of its activities is the new trend of medical science, i.e. quantum medicine. Worked out by the professional of the nuclear science, the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the Professor, Sergei Panteleimonovych Sitko, the theory of MRT avoids employment of medicines and skin damage during the period of treatment. The Donetsk hospital «Sitko-MRT» is the specialized medical institution, the basis for employment of the Microwave and Resonance Therapy and holding scientific researches.

In 2001 the Health Center for Miners was opened in the city hospital № 25. The opening of the center became possible because of the help of the International Alliance of Health Protection and the support of the Agency of International Development (USA).

The center is based on the western model of provision of services of first medical aid for miners and their families.

The Donetsk region, a prominent industrial part of Ukraine, has the largest network of pharmacy enterprises and determines the policy of provision medicines for our country. On January 1, 2002, 607 subjects of business activities producing and selling medicines were registered in the region. Besides, there are branches of pharmaceutical firms being registered in other regions of Ukraine. The most known pharmaceutical firms are «The regional pharmacy managing company, Ltd.» (Donetsk), «Arnica, Ltd.» (Donetsk), «Donbas-Pharmacy-Trading, Ltd.» (Donetsk), «Olvia Medinvest, Ltd.», etc.

In Amvrosievka, Kostyantynivka, Krasnoarmiisk and Starobeshevo districts family medical ambulatory clinics were created. In Mariupol, on the basis of the city hospital, the Center of eye-sight protection of children began working, and here the territorial obstetric and pediatric association is created. The medical and genetic centers for provision of quality antepartal diagnosis of inborn developmental anomalies appeared in Mariupol and Kramatorsk; in Makiivka the regional Infants Home was opened for the AIDS-infected children.

Links to the topic:
  • http://www.medic.donetsk.ua — the Donetsk site of medical information
  • http://www.telemed.org.ua — «Telemedicine in Ukraine»: the project of the Department of informatics and telemedicine of the Donetsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
  • http://ukr-info.net/cgi-bin/catalog.cgi?vc=103 — Medicine of the Donetsk region on the portal «Donbass plain to see»
  • http://ukr-info.net/cgi-bin/catalog/catalog.cgi?vc=295 — Hostitals of the Donetsk region on the site «Donbass plain to see»
  • http://www.derma-don.org.ua — Dermatology and venereology of Donetsk: the data base
  • http://www.town.dn.ua/zdrav.shtml
  • http://www.glazcenter.com — the Donetsk regional center of correction and treatment of eye-sight
  • http://transplant.narod.ru — the Donetsk transplanting center. Transplantation of kidneys

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