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The Donetsk region is situated in the steppe zone of the South Eastern part of Ukraine. In the South West and in the West it borders with the Dnipropetrivsk and Zaporizhya regions of Ukraine, in the North West &3151; with the Kharkiv one, in the North East — with the Lugansk region, in the West — with the Rostov region of the Russian Federation, in the South it is washed by the Azov Sea.

The section «Economics» is prepared with the help of materials of the Donetsk Statistic Board — http://www.stat.donetsk.ua; of the "Mercury" Journal, the published organ of the Donetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry — http://www.cci.donbass.com; of the analytical and methodical Journal «Skhid» («The east») — http://www.shid.f2s.com; of the public scientific and production journal «Vse» («All») — http://www.vse.dn.ua; of the newspapers «Delovoy Donbass» — e-mail: deldon@prince.dn.ua, «Negotsiant» — http://www.nego.donetsk.ua, «Nalogoviy vestnik Donbassa» — e-mail: nvd@donapex.net, «Zhizn» — e-mail: int@life.geon.donetsk.ua, «Donbass» — http://www.donbass.dn.ua, «Nash dom» — e-mail: ndplus@dc.donetsk.ua.

  • Industry
  • Connection
  • Agricultural complex
  • Transport
  • Bank system
  • External economic activities
Links to the topic:
  • http://marketing.wallst.ru — Youth Center of Economic Research

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© donetsk state library, 2004. (authors)