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+ Отзывы о каркасных домах и коттеджах, построенных компанией НАНОСФЕРА Прошу объявить благодарность и наградить премией коллектив бригады по строительству дома "Верден" в садоводстве "Ветеран" (дер. Калачево) в июне-августе 2012 года. Бригада из 5 человек очень быстро и с высоким качеством провела все работы по устройству фундамента, монтажных, кровельных и других работ.

Science, education


In 2002 91 organizations, i.e. 6,2 % of scientific institutions of the whole country, were engaged in holding scientific and technical work in our region. Independent scientific, research and designing organizations are among them as well as the research departments of higher educational institutions, of industrial and other types of enterprises.
The structure of scientific potential of the region includes the following four sectors: the academic and branch sectors, the sector of higher education and the sector of plants and factories.


Today 26 higher educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation in the Donetsk region prepare professionals of highest qualification, 16 of them being the state ones. 120,4 thousand young people study in these institutions, 72,1 thousand are the full-time students. 66,7 thousand students (55,4%) study on contract basis, and 51,5 thousand (42,8%) — at the cost of the state budget; the education of 2,1 thousand (1,7%) is paid for by the branch Ministries and Departments, 0,1 thousand (0,1%) — by local budgets.
In the academic year 2001-2002 31,7 thousand students entered the institutions of the III-IV levels of accreditation.
68 higher educational institutions of the I-II levels of accreditation in the region (4 of them being private) prepare junior professionals. 51,1 thousand students study in these institutions, 27,7 thousand (54,2%) — at the cost of the state budget, 4 thousand (7,9%) — at the cost of the local budgets, 0,3 thousand (0,5%) — at the cost of the branch Ministries and Departments, and 19,1 thousand (37,4%) — on the basis of contracts.
9,1 thousand of staff lecturers provide educational process in the higher educational institutions of all levels of accreditation. The students are mostly taught in Russian (76,8 %). During the recent academic year the per cent of students being taught in Ukrainian grew from 20,5 % to 23,2 %.

Links to the topic
  • http://www.oftpg.donbass.com — joined Department of the National Academy of Science and the Ministry of Coal Mining Industry
  • http://www.donbass.net/rus/darn/iie.html — Institute of Economy of Industry of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine
  • http://www.members.tripod.com/oriental_studies — Donetsk center of the Institute of Oriental Studies

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